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High Value & Pursued

Turn Around Your Relationship

to Get the Love and Commitment You Want

with Mackenzie Lauren



Get the Love and Commitment You Want ...


If you make mistakes in the beginning or if things get rocky somewhere along the way, is the relationship DOOMED?


A lot of philosophies say "YES," but I respectfully disagree. Relationships are dynamic and ongoing. You can never step in the same point in a river twice, it's always changing.


Men commit to women they were non-committal about, they propose to the girlfriend of 7 years, they change their minds about divorce. It actually happens every day.


It's just that the path to get there goes against women's instincts and requires a HUGE mental shift from where they are while they're waiting around. WAITING is a key word here.




Are you in a stalled, soured, stagnant, or ended relationship?


Did your guy break things off, slow things down, or get "confused?"


Have you been waiting for an engagement ring or wedding date for years with no progress?


Do you feel powerless, sad, scared, or ashamed of your relationship or how desperate you feel?


Do you feel like you care more than him? Like you have to win him over but can't?


Are you fighting constantly because you get so upset that he just doesn't love you enough?


Do you feel like you know you deserve better but can't walk away? Like you don't recognize yourself?




I am a feminine energy teacher who specializes in rocky relationships and reunions. I've lived through of experience of feeling like I ruined everything, had become a "needy" woman, and that he'd never commit.


I'm now blissfully married and help women all over the world get their exes back, speed up proposals, and heal relationship wounds. Now I want to help you do the same in this four module program.





Module One - Pursuers & Distancers: Where Things Went Wrong

In this module, we learn all about power dynamics and masculine and feminine energy in relationships. 

Module Two - Transformation Via Acceptance: The Magic Begins

In this module, we explore acceptance, appreciation, trust, and leaning back to allow the relationship to transform.

Module Three - High Value: Showing Up as the Woman You Really Are

In this module, we go in-depth on high value and worth for women. We let go of bad feelings and memories in our relationships that hold us back. We 

Module Four - Passion Through Balance: Things Just Keep Getting Better

Regular Price: $333


Early Price: $222

(ends Friday, 11/17, at midnight ET)


By enrolling in this program, you are agreeing to my standard Terms and Conditions.

High Value & Pursued includes...


-private FB group for module access and community


-four live modules, each around 60 minutes


-lifetime access to each module


-20% off one 1:1 package with Mackenzie valid through 2/1/18



Disclaimer: Feminine Energy Magic is not a mental/medical health practitioner or mental/medical health provider and is not holding itself out to be in any capacity. Feminine Energy Magic is not providing counseling or therapy services or attempting to diagnose, treat, or cure in any manner whatsoever any physical or mental ailment. Rather, Feminine Energy Magic serves as a coach, mentor, and guide who helps you reach your own relationship goals. You are participating voluntarily in using our products or services and you alone are solely and personally responsible for your results and take full responsibility for your health, life, and well-being, as well as the health, lives, and well-being of your dependents (where applicable), for all decisions now and in the future. FULL DISCLAIMER - TERMS & CONDITIONS

Your privacy is important. For more information, read Feminine Energy Magic's Privacy Policy 

© Feminine Energy Magic

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